The Perfect Match – La Roche Limestone and Purbeck Dry Stone Walling

At Stoneworld, we choose to etch the surface of our La Roche limestone with acid. This creates a slip-resistant finish without affecting the beautiful appearance of the stone. La Roche looks very much like a native English limestone, and provides a timeless, authentic luxury to this project.

During our visit to Rob Parker’s home, the Managing Director of Stoneworld, we explored his impressive pool area. Purbeck Dry Stone Walling formed the walls, complemented by pencil edge La Roche wall coping. Additionally, the pool area featured Acid-etched La Roche Pearl Limestone, renowned for its stunning blend of natural fossils, highlights, and rich character, used for the coping and paving stones, creating a truly breathtaking scene.

showcasing la roche limestone and purbeck dry stone walling

Pool Area

The acid-etching process used for both the pool coping and the paving stones. provided a textured finish, ensuring a safe and slip-resistant surface while maintaining a sophisticated look. The light beige tones of the La Roche Pearl seamlessly complemented the Purbeck Dry Stone Walling, creating a cohesive and inviting pool area that is perfect for any season.

The La Roche wall coping was pencil rolled on the top and bottom edges. The edge profiling was done at our on-site masonry workshop to achieve a contemporary and neat finish.


Purbeck Dry Stone Walling

The walls surrounding the pool were constructed using Purbeck Dry Stone Walling. This choice provided a sophisticated backdrop, perfectly harmonizing with the natural surroundings. The light beige tones of the Purbeck stones create a warm and inviting ambiance, making it the perfect setting for a relaxing retreat.

The Purbeck Dry Stone Walling and La Roche Pearl Limestone are a perfect match. Their light beige hues blend beautifully, enhancing the overall aesthetic and creating a harmonious, inviting space. This pairing makes the pool area both functional and extraordinarily beautiful, offering a welcoming retreat.

Rob Parker’s pool area showcases the versatility and beauty of Purbeck Dry Stone Walling and La Roche Pearl Limestone.

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